Welcome to Miracles of MasteryTM

Welcome to Miracles of MasteryTM

Are you inspired to be masterful in life?

MoM™ is a resource designed especially for you.  You are warmly invited to explore, learn, experiment & journey in your Personal Mastery with us.


Explore a number of resources at no cost.  Others are reasonable investments in yourself to develop new skills & awareness of being a ‘Master on a Masterful Journey’.


Here, you learn about & work with your Personal Mastery while experiencing Light, Love & Laughter privately in 1:1 ways or/& with others.


We welcome you to contact us any time while you are considering which offerings best assist you to explore, experience & express your own Miracles of Mastery™

Explore in any of these ways, as you choose ..

Consult 1:1 with Diane Wilcoxson

Diane is a wise old soul, human guide & Master

Consult 1:1 with
The Grand Council
galaxy digital wallpaper

TGC is a Council of Wisdom from beyond this planet

Explore & Experience with a Group

Explore Mastery with others on-line & in-person


We created Miracles of Mastery™ because we live in this way & are keen to share it with others.  We know life is easier & significantly more meaningful & manageable by intentionally taking action to be/come personally masterful.


We live, think & behave in alignment with what we understand Personal & Collective Mastery to mean & to require of us as Divine Beings having a human experience


Philosophically, we believe that every single human being is a Master on a Masterful Journey (a phrase we use frequently).  Also, that each & all of us are born from Divine origins, incarnating purposefully to experience what being in physical form requires & can teach us about Life & Love. 


We have discovered that it is easier to have support from & contact with others who are consciously doing their best to be masterful too.  It’s tough to start with because there aren’t many people thinking about or living their lives as conscious Masters.  It can seem lonely & like an odd pursuit in the beginning.  That shifts with time & companionship.

An over-arching, larger reason we do this in our own lives is to purposefully equip ourselves to be ready, willing & able.  To be or to do what?  Firstly, to consciously be Masters.  Secondly, to help sustainably solve long-standing issues on this planet.  And, to bring forward & inspire more beauty as humans uniquely create it – through art, theatre, literature, architecture, dance & & &.  

Personal & Collective Mastery is a conscious intention here at MoM™.  This is a forum & a resource offering guidance, involvement, fun, play, creative opportunities & skills development for a Mastery Journey. 


Masters involved in MoM™ activities experience surprisingly powerful benefits – as individuals & in relationship with others. We are all pursuing greater understanding, development & expression of Mastery.

You are invited to join in however suits you best, at any time.


Miracles of Mastery™ is a place to begin, continue, expand & grow, explore, experiment & express yourself as a Master on a Masterful Journey.


It’s easy to get started.  Select an activity from those on offer and engage.  From there, look at and learn from other resources on offer here & elsewhere. 


Pay attention to & track how your ideas, your choices & decisions, your life are changing & how that changes how you feel, behave, think.  Change happens quickly when it is a decision.

When you are ready, take another more in-depth look at yourself and your Mastery, and fully engage with a new activity.  MoM ™ has weekly, monthly and one-off activities year-round.

What people say about Diane

You decide who you are with every decision that you make.
Planet Waves, Feb 2021


As you get to know others involved in MoM™ & The Grand Council, you will realise that everyone is very individual.  Meet an interesting mix of outgoing and quiet personalities.  Some are very artistic.  Others like to share thoughts.  We seek & embrace diverse ideas, lifestyles, skill sets, cultures, heritages, spiritual/religious/philosophical beliefs & practices. 



MoM™ Values (as Masters on conscious Masterful Journeys) currently are: change is a constant, decency, kindness, compassion, sovereignty, dignity, deep respect & listening, benevolence, self-awareness, response-ability for self, maturity, ownership of one’s own issues & behaviours, non-violence, harmony, appreciation for differences, honest diversity, use of conflict tolerance-to-resolution methods, abide no gossip, intimacy built on trust. Endless possibilities exist for everyone. No one is better than anyone else. All are Masters. The Earth is precious. We are blessed to live on Gaia & behave accordingly with deep regard, gratitude & care for her.


Every human alive is a Master on a Masterful Journey. Each Master is a Divine Being in Human Form.  We each are Architect, CoCreator & DecisionMaker of our own lives.



Each of us has a Divine Blueprint during a life on Earth. Every individual is ‘wired’ uniquely & expresses unique facets of Oneness. (Architect)



We all have Free Will. We create our lives & experiences with energy & consciousness.  We accept full credit & accountability for being, thinking & living as we do. (CoCreator).


Conscious DecisionMakers take full Response-ability for our Selves & Our Choices. We are Light. Love. Laughter. Learning. Integrity. Inclusion. Well-Being. Truth-telling. Being Our Best Selves. (DecisionMaker).