Individual Mastery
1. Guidance for Masters™
Grow, expand & evolve your Personal Mastery. Every session is tailored specifically to you. Gain skills & insights while increasing your energy & enthusiasm for being a Master and for enhancing your Mastery.
Explore what you know. Identify & work on what you are able, ready & willing to do. Together, we build your understanding, commitment & skills so your intentions for and experience of your Mastery are real and manifest.
Guidance for Masters™ Focus Areas:
Confidence, Assertiveness, Decision-making, Inner Family, Habits, Goals & Desires, Skills Development, Multiple Lifetimes, Good & Better Thinking, Being a Happy Adult, Blueprint Congruence, Energy Hygiene, Authenticity, Love, Self-appreciation, Male/Female Energies, True North +++
2. Masters Advisory™
These 1:1 sessions are specifically for when you, as Master, need or desire to explore something in depth. Perhaps a relationship .. a decision, issues with health, money, career, other. Valuable insights, perspectives & suggestions from Diane & The Grand Council .. honest sources of wisdom & experience.
On-line, 1.5 hour with Diane & The Grand Council (TGC). Session recorded.
3. NEXUS Mastery™
When you are at a decision point in life and could do with advice, ideas, support, perspective, encouragement, dissuasion, other, THIS is the session to select. Truly life-changing results are possible.
Unique insights & support from The Grand Council accelerate & artfully guide you into the experiences ahead on your Mastery Journey.
On-line, 1.5 hour with Diane & The Grand Council (TGC). Session recorded.