MoMTM Offerings

A Message from Diane

Hi.  I love these 1:1 sessions because, always, they provide valuable insights, leading to real understandings, resulting in new opportunities to make good decisions.


All of this creates new possibilities for welcome change.

Together, we will agree which of these sessions most closely addresses what you are seeking.  I look forward to hear what you are eager to be, do, have.

Email schedule a session & we will do it, together!  Cheers! 

Individual Mastery

Group Mastery

1:1 on-line sessions for 1.5 hours, tailored to you; recorded.  U$188/session. 

These are conducted by Diane Wilcoxson or/& Diane & The Grand Council (TGC).

Guidance for Masters™   

Masters Advisory™


Group sessions vary in length & numbers of people. All are recorded. Fee varies accordingly. 

These are Conducted by Diane & The Grand Council (TGC).


Skills Development

Tailored Experiences

Individual Mastery

1. Guidance for Masters™

Grow, expand & evolve your Personal Mastery.  Every session is tailored specifically to you.  Gain skills & insights while increasing your energy & enthusiasm for being a Master and for enhancing your Mastery. 


Explore what you know.  Identify & work on what you are able, ready & willing to do. Together, we build your understanding, commitment & skills so your intentions for and experience of your Mastery are real and manifest.


Guidance for Masters™ Focus Areas:

Confidence, Assertiveness, Decision-making, Inner Family, Habits, Goals & Desires, Skills Development, Multiple Lifetimes, Good & Better Thinking, Being a Happy Adult, Blueprint Congruence, Energy Hygiene, Authenticity, Love, Self-appreciation, Male/Female Energies, True North +++

2. Masters Advisory™

These 1:1 sessions are specifically for when you, as Master, need or desire to explore something in depth.  Perhaps a relationship .. a decision, issues with health, money, career, other.   Valuable insights, perspectives & suggestions from Diane & The Grand Council .. honest sources of wisdom & experience.


On-line, 1.5 hour with Diane & The Grand Council (TGC).  Session recorded.

3. NEXUS Mastery™

When you are at a decision point in life and could do with advice, ideas, support, perspective, encouragement, dissuasion, other, THIS is the session to select.  Truly life-changing results are possible. 


Unique insights & support from The Grand Council accelerate & artfully guide you into the experiences ahead on your Mastery Journey. 


On-line, 1.5 hour with Diane & The Grand Council (TGC). Session recorded.

Group Mastery

1. Mastery Explorations

Explore aspects of Mastery and your self along with others on these adventures.  These involve the esoteric, the practical; Personal & Collective Mastery. 

Upcoming Topics:  Authenticity & Sovereignty.  Energy Management.  Intimacy (In-to-me-See)™.  Manifesting in Times of Chaos™.  Sound Investigations for Growth™.  My Superhero™.  Cultivating Resilience.


Facilitated by Diane Wilcoxson & The Grand Council (TGC). Explorations are 3 hours, on-line, with recordings for participants. Open to individuals ready to have fun while exploring possibilities. 

2. Mastery Skills Development

Learn vital skills, methods, approaches for being a ‘Master on a Masterful Journey’


Weekly.  Evenings or/& weekend. 12-weeks. Weekly 1.5-hour sessions.   On-line.  U$538/person.



Take a look below for upcoming courses that you might be interested in signing up

3. Tailored Mastery Experiences

Specifically for a group of individuals requesting a tailored experience. 


You & friends mutually agree a specific Mastery focus with desired outcomes.


In collaboration with Diane Wilcoxson &TGC, a tailored experience is designed.


For up to 8 people, on-line or/& in-person. Length, frequency, price, venue: depends on group’s intentions & design.


Drop a line to request a tailored experience.


Have you wondered similarly .. ’Honey, do you remember how nice our property & home were before we junked it up with all the stuff that’s here now?’ .. ’What are you going to do with all the family treasures now that she’s gone?’ .. ‘What’s in the way of our lives together being as happy as we used to be?’


Need assistance organizing, clearing or cleaning your home, attic, garage, property, warehouse, office?  Are you dealing with, overwhelmed or perplexed by what to do with messes or ‘stuff’ in your life?  Do you have thoughts, behaviors or situations in your life you’d like to sort out & move in new directions?    Wondering where to start?


I can help. For over 40 years internationally, I‘ve professionally advised people, how to make these important changes.  Sweet EaseTM is available on-line – everywhere.


Am looking forward to your invitation to inspire, show how and help you, your family, business, organisation create sustainable ‘Sweet EaseTM’ in your mind, heart, spaces & relationships!   Email Diane at start the conversation!

Testimonials on SWEET EASETM Consulting

Mastery Journeys in 2024-25

Conflict Mastery™
Coming in December 2024
Living OutLOUD!™
Launching in 2025
Sweet Ease™
Let's Start the Conversation
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