2 February 2024, Day 604
IMBOLC & Ground Hog Day
Hi. I always love sitting with you in my heart mind, to ponder and share what is important to me in this, and these, moments of life.
Speaking of which, I read a quote recently to the effect of ‘We have a certain number of days of life and so each one, each day, is precious’. 💫
I think of this as I recognise that so many people are currently in situations in which their lives are at best, challenging and at worst, threatened constantly .. in wars, or in poverty .. living with crime, violence, life-sapping illnesses and and and.
As it is with so many issues these days, ‘answers’ or ‘solutions’ do not appear readily to suggest this might, or even could, change any time soon.
That said, simultaneously, I know myriad ‘good’ things are happening locally, nationally, globally to address many things begging resolution.
So, while chaos seems to reign in our world these days, I know that love, true caring and honest compassion do too. They often just don’t get our attention to the extent that dramatic, sensational issues and events do.
So, with our lives being ‘precious’ and with them being relatively brief (depending on the frame of reference one chooses while contemplating time and life together) .. it’s very easy for me to focus on what you, personally, represent to me – in my world and in ‘the’ world.
I thank you for this – for indeed, it is true, that you represent to me what is good about humanity. Your love. Your sense of responsibility for yourself and your sovereignty. Your caring for others. The fun, and sometimes funny, characteristics your unique self expresses from time to time. Your talents, skills and interests. Your curiosity about the world and other people. Your particular intelligence. Your willingness to awaken each day and give life another ‘go’ for another day.
Bless you and Thank you. 🙏🏽
I am doing the same here in my current location on Earth, at this time.
What I am freshly aware of in this moment, at 11pm on a Friday, is how uncertain everything is in life.
Recently, in a Grand Council session, the wisdom holders who were speaking asserted that, essentially, nothing is ever ‘known’ in advance .. that everything is ‘unknown’ until it is present and occurring. That humans throughout Time have ‘thought’ we knew what was going to happen and, while sometimes it did, most often it did not.
A known thing is that, today, in various parts of the world, a holiday was celebrated. In some cultures it is called IMBOLC. In others, Ground Hog Day. There are possibly others observing it with other names.
It is a recognition of Spring’s imminent arrival in the northern hemisphere after months of Winter.
In the case of of Ground Hog Day, it is presumed that if sunshine is visible in early morning hours, there will be a 6-week extension of winter. And, if no sun shines early, Spring is expected to start earlier than that.
I was curious this morning about the accuracy of this prediction since the inception of Ground Hog Day in 1887. What I read on-line suggested a 30-39% accuracy rate since then. So much for predicting the future, eh?
Consciously choosing to ‘co-create’, rather than ‘predict’ ‘the future’ is a strong theme in my life, as an individual and also with friends with whom I am in regular contact, in person and virtually, for awhile now.
Today was a great example of that. I have been working a new part-time job over the past 3 weeks, and have enjoyed it. This morning I fronted up just like the other days I worked. And my boss told me she was ‘letting me go’.
Knowing her as I do, I accepted that this was a good decision before hearing her reasoning. How? Because I’ve observed and experienced her being deeply intuitive, smart and a good decision maker.
She recognised that a key component of the job is something I am decidedly not enthusiastic about doing – computer data input and processing. So true. I was ready and willing to learn the system, knowing it is part of the job. It would have taken some time (working only two days /week) for me to learn. Because of who I am, I would have done this and diligently. Just not enthusiastically.
My boss, whom I will call ‘❤️’ in this share, had observed how happily I do other duties and tasks of the job – dealing with people; organising things; ‘clearning’ – my term for cleaning and clearing places; taking inventory; walking the property looking for anomalies in the safety, order and other aspects of operational protocols in place. In a short while, she has come to know ‘me’ when I am enthused and ‘me’ when I am not.
So, the ‘fit’ really isn’t the best one for me with the job. It’s true. Gratefully, ‘❤️’ saved all of us – me, her, colleagues, the business – a lot of time in training, coaching, before determining at some point that this actually is not the best fit for me or for the company. Wow. What a Ground Hog Day gift! One of honest feedback and recognition that I have skills and preferences which can better and differently be utilised.
It’s possible that we may work together on projects at the company in future and, if we do, I know we’ll have fun doing that. We will certainly continue our new friendship and association as it’s something we both value and enjoy. And I will now co-create and/or seek other work that suits my preferences and talents more closely than the brief flirtation with this possibility did.
Thank you, ‘❤️’. For someone like me, you really are the best kind of boss – brave, honest, perceptive, straight-forward, compassionate and wise. Bless!
And now .. I am on to what’s next in my life! More about this as and once I have created it.
Not working today left me several hours to do errands I would have done on another day soon. One of those was to visit a Whole Foods outlet in a nearby town. This store has tasty hot soups for sale and a decent place to eat them, situated very near to the checkout area for customers.
Interestingly, as I ate my Italian Wedding Soup, I watched a young woman with a basket of food and drinks hold up one of two boxes (of 8 canned drinks) for scanning. I was close enough to hear what she said to the check-out cashier as she did that and there was no mention of ‘two boxes’. The cashier could not see the other box in the bottom part of the basket.
When this customer turned and saw me ‘seeing’ her, she quickly busied herself with bagging the rest of the items she and her companion were buying. They then paid and left, somewhat rapidly.
In that moment, I was reminded that six days ago, my awareness of the benefits of being fully aligned with my own personal mastery was heightened. Accordingly, I am still wonderfully conscious of it.
What prompted an intensifying of my awareness was an event I attended at our local library. It was a HumanLibrary.org (HLO) gathering. About 60 people showed up to participate with 6 presenters. The presenters were briefed to be ‘the book’ that we participants who became ‘readers’ were ‘reading’ by asking questions of our ‘books’.
Without going on too much about this wonderful experience, suffice it to say that this, for me, was a life-enhancing 3.5 hours on a Sunday morning.
Each group of 10 ‘readers’ had 45 minutes with each of 3 ‘books’, during which time we asked any, all questions we had of our ‘book’. The ‘books’ had prepared through pre-work with the library staff and HLO facilitators to field our curiosities while maintaining any boundaries they had, should our questions veer into areas of their lives they preferred to keep private. That wasn’t necessary with any of the 3 conversations our group had. This, I believe was partially because we, as ‘readers’, were genuinely interested in and grateful to our ‘books’ for sharing, very candidly, what they did with us.
If you are intrigued by what I am briefly sharing here, please have a look at HumanLibrary.org and ask or tell me via email if you’d like to share your thoughts with me. I am genuinely interested.
The staff and facilitators of this event wore black tee-shirts with white letters spelling out ‘unjudge someone’. That is the overall goal of these sessions which, as I understand it, are being conducted in many parts of the US and elsewhere in the world.
Begun in Denmark, the process is a method for bringing together people with lifestyles, choices, values perhaps very different from each other, to encourage dialogue and learning as a way of bridging people by increasing knowledge, understanding and appreciation for myriad life choices.
I asked one of our ‘books’ if she had any questions for, or requests of, us. She replied that it is exhausting to have to constantly stand up and advocate for her right and the rights of others to make life choices that she and they are making which are currently neither tolerated nor accepted by a great many people or societies worldwide.
She asked that, after this session of connecting, learning and understanding, if we heard someone criticising people making choices she has made to speak up for her, and their, rights to make these choices for themselves, as human beings. ‘That is’, she said, ‘if you feel that is ‘right action’ to take.
This is how my personal mastery quotient got topped up freshly. I had an opportunity to speak to this with a dear friend the other day when I was listening to his strong criticisms of the lifestyle this ‘book’ has chosen.
Again, earlier today when I witnessed what seemed to be blatant theft of groceries, I was presented with an opportunity to ‘speak up’ to someone and say ‘something’ .. or not. Neither choice necessarily more masterful than the other, in general terms. Yes, one necessarily more masterful for me.
We almost always have a choice to speak up, or not. And, I seem to be having plenty of opportunities to make these sorts of choices lately.
Just as I finished eating my soup, I was helped to decide to speak up after I overheard a Whole Foods staff, pushing a shopping cart with 7-8 items in to the store from the parking lot. Within my hearing, he explained to his manager that he’d followed a woman out of the store into the parking lot and to her car, after noticing she didn’t go through the check-out process.
He said he’d done that with her once before and so was alert to the possibility that she might be doing the same thing again. The manager asked how she responded when this staff brought the situation to her attention. The staff said that she acted like she wasn’t aware that she’d done anything out of the ordinary. The staff added that he’s very sure she knows exactly what she’s doing.
A few minutes later, I spoke with another manager at Whole Foods and described what I had witnessed with the drinks box customer. After listening, she replied, ‘Oh, we are experiencing a LOT of that these days. Thank you for telling me.’
I asked if the store has in-house monitors to observe those behaviours and cut down on loss through theft. She said ‘No’.
Prices for goods at Whole Foods suggest they are covering their losses by inflating costs to paying customers. So, clearly there was a certain self-interest in my decision to say something and to suggest in-store watchers to track and stop this sort of customer behaviour.
If someone, in my way of thinking, shops at stores where prices are quite high, when there are less-expensive and good-quality alternatives nearby in other grocery outlets, then thieving suggests (to me) more of an attitude of entitlement than a strategy to prevent hunger / starvation.
What do you think of this?
I simultaneously believe that everyone deserves to be nourished and have enough to eat every day of their lives. I am familiar with what it is to not have resources on hand to buy food. With other costs of living high and rising, the issues of hunger and starvation become even thornier to resolve worldwide .. especially for people on their own and families with children and other dependents.
My experiences of this day brings me to conclude that today has been an event-full Ground Hog Day for me and my experience of being human. Thanks for listening.
On to a bit about another and upcoming holiday which is an all-time wonderful time of year for those who enjoy and understand a bit about it.
Lunar New Year celebrated by many cultures (especially in Asia and known also as Chinese New Year) begins soon this year – on 10 February. It is the Year of the Wooden Dragon.
Each day of the holiday (at least in Chinese culture) has ‘do and do not’ guidelines to ensure best-possible outcomes for everyone.
If you are interested to know about the holiday, I invite you to google Year of Wood Dragon 2024, and you will find many entries and information about the meaning of the animal Dragon and the element of Wood.
You will also find historical information like this holiday is believed to have begun 3,000 years ago and much of it is predicated on astrological calculations.
One such article suggests that ‘In general, the Dragon is often associated with confidence, success, adventurousness and intelligence; while the Wood characteristic include ambitiousness, vitality and determination, making 2024 a year of abundance’.
The Hermes Wood Dragon – 2024
Beliefs include that everyone has an animal and an element corresponding to their birth-dates. Each ‘animal’ of the horoscope is believed to
experience every year differently – some years being naturally easier or more prosperous for some than than it is for others, and vis-a-versa. It’s fun to read what the advisors in these ways of navigating suggest to optimise well-being and success each year, IF you are into this sort of thing.
And, even if you’re not receptive to this sort of observation, knowing that, literally, billions of people worldwide eagerly engage in these beliefs and behaviours yearly makes it interesting to know about (at least to my way of thinking).
3 February .. A lovely fluffy snow fell overnight. By mid-day, much of it melted, leaving roads and other surfaces wet. Luckily tonight’s predicted lowest
temperature will not turn that ‘wet’ to ‘ice’.
6:30pm : Am writing this final part of RTC #21 in a Starbucks within our nearest grocery store – where I may apply to do hourly-wage work a few days per week – have not decided yet. Will take a few days to really feel into how and where I most desire to focus my energies to generate revenue over the coming months.
Speaking of money, many places in the Rocky Mountains are high-cost-of- living spots. Especially here in Colorado – and in our small city of 6,000+ residents. This is due in large part to the 30-mile proximity to Aspen – where a notable number of billionaires are known to live. When I looked up the percentage, I encountered a phrase I think worth sharing: ‘wealth culture’. All of the billionaire numbers I found were at least 10-12 years out of date, so I don’t yet know the truth about what I am seeking to discover.
I DO know that many local residents here in this small community consider people living in Aspen to have much more money and assets, in general, than most of the residents here do. There is an oft-spoken belief amongst this town’s folk that Aspenites ‘look down on’ the people who live outside of Aspen. True or not, I don’t know. It’s certainly a belief I have heard spoken ‘as truth’ a number of times.
This reminds me of when I arrived to live in Hong Kong in August of 1986. I quickly discovered what a skewed view of money and wealth I personally had at that time. It became evident – through observation and being exposed through many socialising and business opportunities – that ‘wealth’ and ‘money’ were ‘multipliers’. They are not, at least in my own direct experience, the determiners of whether or how a person authentically lives and ‘is’ in life.
What I mean by that is that when I met people in Hong Kong who were respectful, decent, smart, kind, intelligent .. they generally treated others that way and utilised their resources in aligned ways (in my experience).
People who were mercenary, uncaring, dismissive, superior-acting, callous, self-absorbed, manipulative and/or and/or seemed to wield their financial power and resources in ways that expanded those characteristics.
Money, to me, is an energy of a specific resonance. It’s something I believe has become distorted as the extremes of ‘having’ and ‘not having’ money has been highlighted and reinforced in so many ways with our abilities to share what is happening worldwide with one another through technologies facilitating us to hear about and resultantly assume that we know something true.
What are your own experiences of knowing people who have lots and lots of money? What do you think money actually is and is intended to be used for? Again, I am genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts.
As I, and the nation, become increasingly aware of a huge prevalence of poverty in the USA, we are necessarily and (in my opinion must be) consciously examining our beliefs, values and judgements of money and those who have / don’t have it.
With that said, it is now close to 7pm and my ‘once nicely hot’ chai latte is now cold – fortunately it is still tasty. It is a cold, dark and wet evening. I will start to wind up this share with you now for this month and tonight, and again sincerely thank you for listening.
In case you’ve wondered, I consider myself to still be on a roadtrip which is why I to call these continuing shares RoadTrip Chronicles. Even if / when I settle in somewhere for a period of time, I may consider myself on a planned detour on the roadtrip of my life. I feel like it is all a ‘moving experience’.
If you prefer I remove you from the distribution of these shares, please let me know. Each month, as I send these out, I look at every name of people who agreed to receive these from me when we met; or if we already knew each other, as I started on this part of my journey over 2 years ago.
I then consciously add you to the distribution of each RTC.
If you have received this, I am keen to know if you are still interested to hear about things I am doing, learning, finding exciting to share and about which I am wondering how and what you think.
If, at any time, you are moved to share your thoughts with me about anything, please do.
I honestly feel that we’re all in one boat together, in the same ocean, experiencing different weather and developing perspectives depending on which part of this big boat we’re seated in, rowing.
The more we know in which directions and how we agree we will all do well as we travel together, the more it will help us (me) make sense of the challenges we encounter along the way.
I love thinking that, somehow, by addressing some of the challenges, opportunities and issues along the way, in this and other ways we share, we can start to understand alternatives we literally can, might and possibly will consciously choose in our ways forward together.
Bless you for being in my life. For receiving my RTCs and for doing your best in your own life, with your own personal dynamics, wiring and challenges.
I naturally trust that you are doing your best and sincerely thank you for that.
May you thrive. Be well.
Find happiness in every day. And know that you are deeply cherished and loved.
Diane 🌹