RoadTrip Chronicle #23

16 May 2024, Day 706

🍀  💧 🌼

Hi.  This is a special day in my life and I am thinking of you and the special place you have in the world and in my life as I write to share with you.


I was raised in Denver, Colorado from the mid-1950’s-to-the-early-70’’s.  I remember that there was a common saying:  ‘If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes’.  This implied that the weather quickly & very likely would change – often radically.  And that the change of weather might be more to one’s liking than the conditions that preceded & might follow it.


Being back in The Rocky Mountains & in a micro-climate with some unique characteristics weather-wise, I’ve discovered that the saying is still apt.


Hence the clover, the raindrop & the yellow blossom above, beneath the title of today’s share.

Weather here has been highly changeable so far this Spring   Hot, sunny days followed by days of overcast skies, snow, sleet & rain.  Cold temperatures & high winds are inspiring hurried resurrection of winter clothes – prematurely stored as if to bring on warm weather through wishful actions taken specifically to accelerate seasonal change.


The land is thirsty.  Always, water is & has been an issue in Colorado since agriculture began as a way of life & commerce for many.  People living in towns & cities consumed what farmers & ranchers grew – in contrast to indigenous people who grew & hunted for their own consumption. 


Agriculture demands water.  For a very long time in the West & Southwest USA, many a skirmish & all-out warfare characterised a lot of early pioneer migration.  Original soils have long been seriously depleted of nutrients & integrity in favour of growing crops.  Trees & other roots were ripped out of the ground to make plowing, planting, tending & harvesting easier.  These plants, trees, roots & mulch that held the land & the waters protected & nourished them & natural life for millennia before ‘pioneer settling’ began.


As fields were plowed the characteristically high winds that blow in The Rockies ravaged the plains of these arid states carrying top-soils away from their formative grounds.  They were vitally needed to hold the land & natural geology together as they had for millennia. 

All of this to say that we’ve just had 5 consecutive days of rain here – from heavy & frequent to gentle & intermittent.  Anthropomorphising the Earth is easy for me to do.  I have been envisioning everything biological which depends on natural waters for continuance of life .. & I am newly appreciating how much easier it is for all living things to thrive when waters are abundant, clean & accessible equally to all. 

That said, it will be nice when warm weather comes to stay for awhile during  a typically brief Summer & early Autumn.   May it come with gentle, frequent showers as Denver had during my growing-up years there.  Almost like clockwork, everyday around 5 pm or so, a gentle rain would fall for a short while.  After a warm-to-hot day, things would then cool down enough to be wonderfully comfortable.  We would most often sleep overnight with open windows & pleasant temperatures .. No one used fans or air conditioners then.

Speaking of  weather, I am indoors with pleasant temperatures to work in, thankfully.  Am in our local Library writing this to you.  It has become a safe place for children to come after school while their parents are working or unavailable for other reasons.  The idea of the community having truly safe, clean spaces for kids appeals to me.


Typically, I think of a library as a quiet place for study, reading, writing, contemplation/thinking, researching.  And, the recent development of this space being used as an after-school creche is something I found challenging for the first several months I experienced it. 

I’ve been here long enough to have had the pre-creche experience at this library & am now part of its creche-era population. 

I spoke with library staff to ask the reasons for such a sudden influx.  I was told that some days between 70 & 120 kids of ages from 6-13 are here for 3-4 hours after school 5 days/week.  Their parents work & this is one of the safer places for the kids to hang out rather than to roam around in the community.


It really is an adjustment for everyone who is accustomed to a quiet library .. & a good reminder that an engaged community is key to balanced rearing of children by providing support for parents & other caretakers.


Today is my 73rd BirthDay.  Since age 55, I have celebrated each birthday for 2-6 weeks.  From the moment someone utters something like 

‘You have a birthday in mid-May, right?’ to whenever it feels like ‘time to focus on the personal year ahead & look forward to the next birthday’, I am celebrating. 


This year, I started active celebrating on 1 May & will finish sometime after today. 


A tradition I enjoy which I experienced in Hong Kong is that the person having a birthday invites & treats friends to a celebratory event, most often centred around lots of good food & beverages.


Virtually, I invite you to celebrate whatever meaning the 16th of May may have for you (trusting that it is positive); and to know how much I value, honour and love you.  If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be receiving this RoadTrip share.

🎉 ❤️ 🎂




I attended an open-to-everyone, casual gathering at an Argentinian restaurant, called Bodegon, last night.  It’s an opportunity to speak in Spanish and even though I am rusty like a tin can that’s been sitting on a fence post through rain, sleet, snow and sun for years, I am very excited to think that I just might be able to activate those brain cells that worked so diligently from age 11-21 to learn and use Espanol. 


And now, for the BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT, New Beginning ..


The Miracles of MasteryTM website goes live this afternoon at 4:00pm Mountain Standard Time.  The MoMTM Creative Team and I and our Alliance group of amazing individuals, have been collaborating over a period of months and are pleased to share this with you today..

It’s not a finished project – and, in fact, many of the pages are only ‘space holders’ for topics, events, offerings to come in future.  The buttons for ‘click through’ to links & other pages or resources are not all ‘live’ yet. 


You are warmly invited to drop in to meet the ‘New Arrival’, birthed today – 16 May 2024 – midwifed into NEW BEGINNINGS with the joys of eager anticipation, community & Love.


Please have a good look at things there, when/if you have time & interest. 


I & the Team welcome you with open arms & genuine appreciation. We invite you to grow & evolve with us and our work in the years ahead.  We intend for MoMTM to be a meaningful resource for individuals, families, groups, organisations, communities for their Personal & Collective Mastery.


We intend to support people working together worldwide to create sustainable solutions to 33 long-standing issues on Planet Earth.  And, we will revive & stimulate new interest in how uniquely humans create beauty on Earth.


Here is the URL:  MiraclesofMastery.Today. 

Lots of variety, information, resources & fun will greet you increasingly as we fill in / round out the offerings & resources of MoMTM.

Your comments, feedback & whatever you’d like to share with us are most welcome. Please email us at:  support@MiraclesofMastery.Today or diane@MiraclesofMastery.Today.


My sincerest thanks to you for receiving and, perhaps, reading these RoadTrip Chronicles over the past 2 years.  I plan to continue writing them. They are now being posted on the MoMTM website.


If you would like to stop receiving this sort of communication from me, please let me know.  I much prefer not to impose what I think is important enough to send it to you than to impose it unwittingly.  If you tell me what you prefer, I will honour it, with thanks.

Love, Light & Laughter .. may all three of these be big parts of how you experience every day of your life. 


I wish you wonderfully well.  Diane 🌹