Meet the MoMTM Team


Hi.  I have started Miracles of Mastery™ to assist conscious individuals who are on personal Journeys of Mastery.

MoM™ offers guidance, support, development, possibilities, resources & much more.


I have consciously been on a Journey of Mastery myself for 52 years (it’s now 2024).  At age 21, I awoke to the fact that I was showing others only a fraction of what I felt, thought & knew I had to offer. 


In that moment, I made a vow – declaring something I have honoured since. 


That vow was to ‘be on the outside what I am on the inside’.  To become congruent, in other words. This led me into a very deliberate journey of authenticity over the next 5 decades, so far.  


During this time, I have learned & helped others develop good thinking and skills to become: assertive, confident, authentic, well-rounded leaders, divergent strategic planners, fine communicators & presenters – spontaneous & structured; effective in teams, comfortable dealing with conflict, able & willing to have fun, relaxed & focused on doing things & being in ways that are genuinely meaningful.


Along the way, I have developed a diversity of skill sets for myself & others; taken & given countless trainings; & received various certifications.  


My experiences & travels have included living in several countries & cultures for over half of my life so far.  I have started & been successful in businesses, organisations, community projects; & was appointed a founding member to help start a government Commission in Hong Kong.


I worked with many industries & industry leaders as a business consultant in Asia-Pacific for 35 years. This included advising managers, teams & leaders to develop their own & staff skills.

A big focus for me was, & is, inspiring better thinking, strategies & communications – all necessary for success in fast-moving settings locally, nationally & internationally.


Going further back in my work .. in the United States, I started & directed a Women’s Centre which is still serving the community 43 years on. Before moving to live in Asia, I had the opportunity to be a therapist in a chemical-dependency hospital programme.


In my 20’s, I was a forest fire dispatcher in the middle of a very large wilderness for 3 summers/autumns.  Following that, I happily was a carpenter’s apprentice & labourer on construction crews.


My first bona fide job was in a department store as a clerk at age 14.  Between then & when I went to university, I had few different jobs.  One of those provided me with enough insight to confidently open & operate my own businesses.


At age 18, I knew I would eventually focus on working with people in some way – in coaching, counselling, advising, support roles.  At uni, I studied and received a degree in sociology. 


This rich & varied work herstory illustrates that, for a long time, I have been learning & experiencing many different things whilst enjoying what I do. 


That love now is Personal & Collective Mastery, MoM™ & my work as Oracle with The Grand Council.


I invite you to become involved in what we are doing here. If you are awake, sincere & real, I am eager to meet you.  


It would be my/our privilege to work with you however you decide to engage in MoM’s activities & offerings.


After reading through our website, if you are interested to know more, I sincerely welcome you to email us. 


Blessings on your Journey.  Diane

MoM™ CreativeTeam

Preethi Subramanian

Susan Hitchcock Myers

I am a Change- agent at heart expressing myself in different ways. I deeply believe that any outer change starts from within. I see MoM™ as an initiative to spark the divine magic within ourselves and this resonates with me. I am honored to be part of MoM’s team and co-create this digital space to share wisdom with people who are ready and willing to make their lives more masterful. I am excited to join hands with Diane & Susan to bring more relevant content through the website as well as 

other modes.

Preethi Subramanian

Bengaluru, India

I am an Artist, currently persuing how to support wildlife & habitat conservation with my art.  I  have been journeying with & alongside of Diane since 2016. It has been an honor and pleasure to contribute to the website by adding impactful visual images, some original blended images, that add meaning and connection to this website content.  I look forward to working with Diane & Preethi on further website development as we continue our journey together within this expression 

and other initiatives.

Susan Hitchcock Myers

South Carolina, USA

The Grand Council

I am privileged to be Oracle for this Council on Earth. I have had this honour ‘officially’ for some time. They have been with me from my early days. After I built experience, muscle & disciplines required to be an oracle, TGC graphically presented themselves to me & a dear friend when we were talking in a coffee shop many years ago. Since then, we have worked with many wonderful people all over the world on Masterful Journeys.

Diane, as the Oracle for The Grand Council

A big part of MoM™ is The Grand Council.  This is a bandwidth of cosmic energy comprised of 1,200+ points of Light, Love & Laughter. 


The Grand Council  (TGC) are wisdom-keepers, archetypal energies created from every thought that we have wondered about since the birth of humanity,  Things like:  What started Creation?  From where have we all come to Earth? How did it all start? &  How does it manage to continue?


Imagine, if you will ..  Religious, spiritual, philosophical ideologies;  superheroes, god/goddesses, pantheons of mythological characters & & & created by humans pondering  & assigning attributes to characters who deal with the ’bigger issues’ of life through the ages .. since the very beginning of human time. 

This is The Grand Council. 

If you have heard or watched a ‘channeled’ session, or if you have channeled your own higher wisdom or another source, you have a sense of what this means.



If you have not, imagine having access to objective very high, very clear-resolution wisdom with information and perspectives not bound by time or space; unconditionally-loving & benevolent in its intentions to assist humanity – meaning you – to grow, mature & thrive.


This is a starting sense of The Grand Council.



Many many people have benefitted from amazing insights gained in sessions with TGC. This is available to you too, through MoM™

TGC Sessions

Find what suits best for you

About Ancient Future Today TMPT

Testimonials from TGC Sessions

Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.
Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)

Our Projects

AncientFuture.Today (AFT)

First *we developed AncientFuture.Today (AFT) .. dedicated to developing Personal & Collective Mastery in humans.



*We = The Grand Council, Diane Wilcoxson & Megan Wagner.



Launched in 2023, MoM™ complements, supports & evolves the abilities & understandings of what conscious Masters are able to be & do.

AFT offers Mastery Journeys, podcasts & lots of free Mastery information on-line on the website.


AFT’s Mastery Community is a growing group of similarly-intentioned Masters on Masterful Journeys. This includes a Task Force actively learning how to co-create in the energies of today & beyond. 


AFT’s Study Group explores ideas & discovers together how to do more-masterful thinking, imagining, learning, discussing, communicating, relating.  

TheMasteryProject.Today (TMPT)

The Mastery Project Today is a 30-year project within AncientFuture.Today.  TMPT has two defined & one intended aims at this time. 



The first 10 years of TMPT will be devoted to identifying, monitoring, tracking, supporting & celebrating sustainable solutions to long-standing issues on Planet Earth. Find below the list of issues that we will focus on.


The second 10-years’ focus is to inspire & bring forward more beauty – as humans create it – to grace the world. 


This includes art, architecture, dance, music, cooking, gardening, singing & song, photography, work with wood, metal, clay & other mediums, building, decorating, fashion, interiors & & &.  


Monitoring & sustaining the first 10 years’ work will continue indefinitely.


The third decade’s focus has not yet been determined.  This focus will arise out of experiences & learnings of the first two decades. 


At some point, a physical facility (venue & grounds) dedicated for AFT’s TMPT will host AFT’s Mastery Community for year-round in-person programmes & many activities. 


Location of this part of the project is based upon specific energetics of the planet at the time the AFT Mastery Community has matured & commits to manifesting & sustaining this part of TMPT together.


Alphabetically Listed


  1. Activism, Community


  1. Aging


  1. Agriculture, Food, Hunger


  1. Air, EMF, 5G, Light Pollution


  1. Bees, Wildlife, Wilderness


  1. Connection


  1. Cultures


  1. Direct Donation, ‘Charity’, Resources


  1. Education


  1. Energy:  Free, Solar, Wind, Water


  1. Environment, Climate, Forests


  1. Freedom


  1. Health Innovation


  1. Heath, Disease, Pandemics


  1. Homeless


  1. Immigration, Refugees


  1. Innovation


  1. Noise Pollution, Sound


  1. Open Media


  1. Peace


  1. Plastics, Adhesives


  1. Politics, Governance


  1. Poverty, Economy


  1. Property, Land, Home


  1. Racism, Gender; Generations


  1. Recycling, Waste


  1. Repair Cafes; Repurposing; Manufacturing


  1. Trafficking, Human Slavery


  1. Transportation, Travel


  1. Trees & Gardens


  1. Urban Renewal


  1. Violence, Abuse, Guns


  1. Waters, Soils