Our Connections & Resources


Alliances listed here have accepted invitations from Diane & The Grand Council to align with MoM™.   Personal & Collective Mastery in the world expands each time MoM™, these powerful Alliances & You work together, individually or/& in groups.    


Each Alliance’s skills, knowledge & specialities are available to you.  Listings are alphabetical by first name with website or email addresses & descriptions of specialties & offerings.  Diane has written 3 paragraphs introducing each one from her perspective.  Listings have been approved by each Alliance before posting.  [Note:  Alliances listed with* are AFT Mastery Community Members.]


If you are interested to explore services, we ask you to directly make arrangements with Alliances.  MoM™ & Alliances do not exchange money or commissions with each other from your sessions.  The Alliance will charge you for their services & your financial arrangements are done directly & completely between you & them.


We maintain vital Alliances of highest-quality & relevance & ask you to help us do that. Please email us the feedback on your satisfaction. 


If you would like to explore becoming a MoM™ Alliance, please write to Diane Wilcoxson 

1:1 & Groups:  The Tall Journey™ (Spiritual Development).   Metaphysical Counselling.    Modern ‘Eldering’. Groups:  Gardening for The Soul.   Embodying Your Wisdom.   Global Awareness & Activism.

Diane about Anna:


Anna has lived in very interesting places on Earth at times when they were very interesting places to be.  London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Australia & New Zealand.  She brings a global perspective to her work & relationships.  She always has cared deeply about the Earth, about justice & about ‘right action’ in the world. 

I have long admired Anna for her convictions, her intelligence & her kindness, compassion & goodwill toward Humanity.  She is a veteran executive business & leadership coach, a deeply spiritual woman &, for 35 years, a dear friend of mine.  We have been colleagues in business consulting, peers in intensive NeuroLinguistic Programming certification & stalwart support for each other through times & events in each & both of our lives.

Anna is the ‘real deal’.  A more honest, passionate, intuitive guide you will not find.  She is careful with her words to be precise, to add value & to inspire change.  For Masters seeking to weave into your Mastery a conscious love & genuine care for The Earth & all things animate, some of Anna’s offerings are ideal.  If you are an Elder, finding your voice & charting your legacy, Anna is an able, credible guide.  As you work with Anna, she helps you create meaningful, lasting results.  This & much more is why I have invited Anna to be in/an Alliance with MoM™.

Groups:  Healing Workshops.  Training in Sound Healing.  Mentoring for Sound Practitioners.  Events Performances. 

Diane about Rj:


Sometimes people are born to be and do what they do well from their souls & spirits.  This is what Rj does with his Sound Mastery.  He plays bowls, gongs & other instruments in ways that evoke powerful emotions & healing within all who experience this.  In Rj’s workshops, vibrations of the gong he uses minister to the body profoundly, transporting one into a state of bliss & well-being.  Significant physical healing occurs through emotional release from trauma in cellular memory.  A sense of all being ‘right in the Universe’ remains for some time following such an experience with Rj.

He is able to engender safety, trust & relaxation very quickly because of how honest, authentic & loving he is.  Even first-timers to his work feel ‘at home’.  He teaches people who study with him to respect & play the bowls, gongs & other sound instruments as the sacred items they are & have been through the Ages.  Rj helps students of his to feel into the vibrations of each & to understand how they initiate healing & breakthroughs.  Once his students have learned well, he inspires them to share their skills to heal others, bringing more awareness of sound healing into the world.  If you are interested to study with Rj, you will have an experience of being loved into learning well.

I invited Rj to be in/an Alliance with MoM™ because what he offers is powerfully effective. It’s something everyone can benefit from knowing about & by learning more.  Whether you experience his work in person or/& on-line, it will have an effect on your appreciation for the role of ‘sound’ in your life, your well-being & your conscious awareness.  Rj lives in the UK & travels regularly to Thailand & other countries, conducting workshops & trainings for sound healing.  If you participate, I can confidently say you will not be disappointed by the experience & you will be blessed by meeting this lovely man.   Spending time with Rj is one of the distinct benefits of learning from this Master of Sound & Healing.


1:1 Transformational Coaching for major life/career transitionsEmotional Intelligence Assessment: Improve Personal EQ.

1:1 & Groups:  Workplace Training for Effectiveness & Efficiency

Diane about Preethi:


Preethi Subramanian is a very credible Master.  She walks her talk.  She does her personal development work with diligence & intelligence which she applies, in turn, to her work with clients & peers.  Formerly a business executive for many years, Preethi has a wealth of experience, insight & intuition.  She is an extraordinarily good listener who hears the words said, feels the feelings felt & understands the needs underlying narratives. 

In MoM™, Preethi is Creative Team Architect, designing & making sure the website & activities are up-to-date, richly-represented & easily accessible to everyone.  Preethi is actively engaged with AncientFuture.Today™ in various Community activities & Mastery Journeys & Adventures.  Always, she is willing, able & ready to dig in & make things work well for everyone.  She generously shares her perspectives, ideas & support in every setting.

I invited Preethi to be in/an Alliance with MoM™ for several reasons.  She adds a grace, intelligence & calm to every circumstance in which I have been with her over a few years now.  Hers is a steady offering of love & invitation to explore whatever you may need to look at, feel, express.  Working with Preethi, you are in the care of a capable, fair, compassionate healer with open heart & mind. 

Evolving Artist.  Photographer.  Art for Wildlife Conservation

Diane about Susan:


Susan is deeply intuitive, highly intelligent & willing to explore. She is creative, artistic, sensitive, honest, brave & articulate. Pioneering art as she does in her way with different approaches and techniques, subjects and topics – Susan organically works with what presents itself to be understood, healed &/or celebrated.

An avid researcher, expert planner & pragmatic thinker, she sees solutions that others may never otherwise know are possible, or available. To work with Susan is to experience new ways of seeing & approaching biases, beliefs or/& issues.

As MoM™’s Creative Team Artist, Susan contributes talents, suggestions & ideas vital for creating meaningful, appealing information & messages. She is an active member of AFT™, offering energy, great ideas & unique perspectives in all settings in which she participates. Her ready humour & sensitivities endear her to all lucky enough to get to know her. These qualities, her genuine compassion for all of life & her love of animals & beauty weave in to how she works with people and with Art. If you are dealing with something & keen to discover new, innovative approaches, perhaps you will explore with her how she moves things uniquely with her amazing work.

1:1 Energy Healing with Tameer  Spirit-guided Healing.

Groups:  Energy Healing with Tameer  Spirit-guided Healing. 

Groups:   Healing Arts With Tameer.   Explore unconditional self-expression.

Diane about Tameer:


If you have watched a healer work ’at a distance’, it’s virtually impossible to know what is happening on either end of that connection.  The process is deeply intuitive, requiring the healer to hold a field of resonance that transcends distance & space. To those not blessed with these skills, it often looks as if nothing is happening.  When it’s real & both the healer & the healed have been sincere in their intentions to bring about health & well-being, pre- & post-healing tests often reveal that the presenting dis-ease or dis-order has been corrected.

Such are documented results of Tameer’s help to many during their healing journeys.  A mutual friend of ours had tumours in her lungs.  After working long-distance with Tameer to target & eradicate the tumours, tests proved the desired results.  Only a small ‘line’ remained on the lung where tumours had previously been.  This is one example.  I know there are many more.  I have personally experienced Tameer’s unique spirit-guided work, both in-person & at distances, sometimes from half-way around the world.  I have felt the positive effects of her attention on my health & well-being.

I invited Tameer to be in/an Alliance with MoM ™ because she is an absolute gem of a healer, a Master, a source of love & generosity of soul & an Elder with wisdom on an epic Mastery Journey of her own.  I have known Tameer for many years now, sharing countless Mastery experiences together.  In fact, the first person The Grand Council chose to reveal themselves to was Tameer, years ago as we sat in a cafe together discussing healing.  Tameer has been working with her remarkable healing abilities for decades.  She also has studied and learned energy techniques, philosophies & practices from other well-known healers.   When you, or/& people you know, are in need of energetic, physical healing and you are keen to get through whatever ails you quickly & completely, ask Tameer to work with you. You will experience one of the, if not THE, most gentle, subtle & effective processes you’ve likely experienced while receiving healing assistance.

1:1 Therapy:  Conscious Awakening.   Dreams.   Hypnosis.   Chakras.   Chi Kung. 

Groups:  Astrological Moon Circles.  Monthly, on-line.

Diane about Zanzara:


Every now & again, I meet someone who feels like ‘family’ last seen long ago & now happily remembered.  This describes how I felt when I first met Zanzara & how I feel about her still.  Familiarity, comfort & knowing that this is a person with whom I am safe.  She is honest, real & genuinely caring.  All of that, plus Zanzara is well-trained, highly intuitive and very aware. 

She practices what she teaches & draws from a number of powerful sources for insight, suggestions & ways to inspire change.  I know she is compassionate, loves nature & is community-minded with a desire for communal well-being at the core of that impulse.  She ‘sees’ the person she is talking with and listening to.  And she listens carefully.  Uniquely, Zara makes few assumptions.  She asks good , smart & searching questions, leading one to realisations & insights for self awareness & growth. 

I invited Zanzara to be in/an Alliance with MoM™ so anyone seeking what she offers would have an easy way to find her.  She has many fine qualities & talents in addition to being a skilled therapist with many tools & methods.  She is a true treasure & resource for self-development, spiritual evolution, healing from traumas, growing in awareness, learning about self, sacred maturing & becoming all of who one can be with conscious intent.  I am happy to introduce you to Zanzara for help with what you are seeking.

Music of the Plants for Children of All Ages.  Nature Alliance Coaching.   Aura Reading.   Energetic Healing.    Voice Coaching.    

Diane about Zigola:



I invited Zigola to be in/an Alliance with MoM™ because I know, am very fond of & have great respect for her.  She is a multi-faceted, talented Master.
To learn how to truly, intimately connect to the Earth, ask Zigola to introduce you to this.  She works with adults & children.  Some of her work is training children in schools to be friends with nature.  
A fine singer, storyteller & performer, Zigola appears in festivals & gatherings where she educates audiences on Nature’s intelligence.  
Profoundly-gifted, Zigola guides us into meaningful understandings of plants & the fullness and beauty of Nature.
She is a Master Energy Healer & Teacher offering Aura Readings.  Additionally, Zigola does Ancestral Line Research & Cleansing, in collaboration with the plants and plant spirits

Our Publications 

Books & Music Available for Purchase

Booking The Journey™ (January 2024 publishing)

This autobiography of Diane’s life details exciting true stories & learnings gained from a life, so far, ‘lived out-loud’. A real-life tale of a Master on a Masterful Journey. Sure to instruct, delight & invite readers to view & value their own journeys in new ways..

Assertiveness for Everyone™ (May 2024)

Diane is now sharing methods & ideas for a larger audience after teaching herself & literally several thousands of clients & others worldwide to be assertive. What makes her approaches revolutionary, is the guarantee that everyone’s dignity & self-respect are ensured. Become genuinely able, well-resourced & willing to be confidently assertive. These easy-to-use instructions equip absolutely everyone choosing the freedom of knowing how to be clear, considerate & effective while assertive..

ACCDM Handbook™ [July 2024]

From the AncientFutureToday (AFT) team of Megan & Diane with The Grand Council comes the guide many have been waiting for to accelerate their Personal Mastery. A-Architect, CC-CoCreator, DM- DecisionMaker aspects of Mastery are defined, explained, exampled for practical application in day-to-day life. A truly valuable resource for anyone consciously on a Masterful Journey..

BASHAW! (Read-aloud Children’s Book) (May 2024)

This ‘read aloud’ book is for children of every age. It offers play with words within a story to tease the imagination of both reader & listeners. A gentle ‘bedtime’ aid for caregivers with children to settle in to peaceful sleep. .

Psychology of The New Human™ [November 2024]

A paradigm shift of enormous significance is occurring in Humanity. Bodies of psychological research & theories have appeared throughout Time. This treatise from The AFT Team brings new possibilities with ‘ways forward’ for the conscious evolution of humans on Earth. A good read & a great guide..


MUSIC from AncientFutureToday [AFT] & Damanhur Temples. In unique collaboration, Diane, Megan & Zigola (see Affiliates) sang in the Temples of Humankind in Damanhur, (northern) Italy. Two beautiful CDs of extraordinary, unusual toning resulted. The Temples contain records of histories of Humanity, known & unknown today. The toning trio brought into being many ‘stories’ offered by the Temples for expression in this manner. These ‘sound offerings’ were recorded. These are powerful accompaniments for transformative, evolutionary traveling on your Mastery Journey. See the Temples at thetemples.space. Available for purchase. Click here to contact us for information