RoadTrip Chronicle #4

(Day 28 on 8 July 2022)
Hi!  Where to start?  I am sitting on the front porch of my youngest brother and sister-n-Love’s (b&sn❤️) home in Colorado.
Am reflecting on the gifts I am receiving in these opportunities to visit and experience biological family after many years without physically being with each other.  
I am sleeping well here and said to b&sn❤️ this morning how I credit a sense that they note my presence and would likely check on me if I didn’t emerge from ‘my room’ by a reasonable hour.
Presumably good friends would do the same!  And, I am experiencing various other factors that contribute to a sense of ‘mattering’ in family relationships.  
It’s lovely to have these feelings and moments after so long of living on my own, a long way from nuclear family. 
Am going on-the-road again tomorrow mid-day, setting off to the North ..  toward Wyoming.  
Between here and there is (to me) some of Creation’s most beautiful country. As I pass through it,  I intend to sleep many a starry and full moon night in my home-on-wheels. 
Will also visit several long-time friends between where I am now and a week or so from now.  
Today, Day 29, with my b&sn❤️, we rendezvoused with our cousin whom I met for lunch a week ago.  
B&sn❤️ and this cousin hadn’t seen each other for 20+ years.  We three (and 3 other cousins) grew up seeing each other regularly and fairly often – on government holidays and for a couple of weeks every summer when we were young.  Oh, the shenanigans!  
Another fun thing I have been blessed to experience in these 5 days has been meeting 2 dear friends from primary – middle – secondary school days.  We have had over 60 years of knowing each other, well.  OMGoodness!  
We only had a few hours to catch up and wished we’d had longer.   
When next I come through here, I imagine jointly issuing an advance invitation to gather together others we know and have loved for that long as well.  
How can 20+ years elapse in what seems to be a fast and very much shorter interval? 
These experiences, for me, are synchronistically coupled with hearing of numerous people (various ages and stages of well-being) recently passing; becoming seriously ill, debilitated; while others have become depressed.  It is instructive.  
And underscores a belief I have that the best way for me to approach my own death is to live as fully and enjoyably as I can now.
That way, I likely will be ready at, and for, that moment.  I sense I will not resist what is inevitable.  I’d like to be able and willing to comfortably embrace the next phase of being – whatever occurs after physical life. 
Interestingly, themes and aspects of death and dying seem to weave through discussions I am having and hearing lately, though most often not overtly.   
I continue asking my 5 questions of people I am meeting who are receptive and various words and some phrases are starting to emerge .. ‘time’ and ‘priorities’, ‘too much, too many &/or not enough’, ‘where to start?’
Several friends reading these Installments are sending their answers to me – which is very affirming (Thank you!) and which I enthusiastically invite, appreciate and welcome!  
Please share your thoughts if you feel to do it!  🤗
I love and appreciate you.  May every blessing be yours. 
Diane 🌹