It’s 4th of a July in the USA today.
Here’s to celebrating stated values of independence and freedom and to all of us figuring out together how to make the best of those attributes real for us ALL!
I arrived in Castle Rock, Colorado a few days ago amidst a powerful rainstorm- a real downpour. In drought states, like California, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado, it’s like liquid gold when this happens.
Yes, sometimes serious flash flooding occurs, which can wreak havoc when it does. And other wondrous and positive things happen. The deserts turn a bit ‘o green; cactus blossoms appear, everything looks and smells washed clean and the dust and dirts don’t automatically dance in the typically hot, brisk winds for just a little while as they dry out and eventually resume creating the granular mix breathed in by all living things also moving about in those climes.
I’ve had more hot weather experiences in the past 24 days than I anticipated. Almost everywhere I have been has offered up 80-115 F degree weather day and, sometimes, at night.
One night last week, when I slept in my car above the town of Silverton, Colorado, in high-country mountain temperatures which reached a low of 32F! It was soooo refreshing and reminiscent of my life and experiences in cool and cold climates over my lifetime.
And the week prior, I slept in 106F degree temperatures on the desert!
Have to say, I love the cooler temperatures and, so far, also not having had to drive in the snow & ice that often accompany them.
As for my Project, I am finding SUCH an interesting dynamic – amongst people I’m just meeting and new and old Friends alike.
When I ask my 5 questions* (below), few people can or do readily answer- and the thoughtful consideration each individual has so far given my enquiry has genuinely touched me.
A dear Cousin of mine whom I saw last week for a few hours (after more than 30 years of no contact) responded at the end of our shared meal. It was very interesting to me to hear his top 3 things. #1: ‘Pride in our Country.’ 2. ‘Homelessness.’ 3. ‘Drugs’.
As things often happen, synchronistically, a few days later I met a new Friend who is involved in a very real, on-going Project providing a leg-up for Veterans who have been homeless.
I am keen to learn more from her (than I could from the website) when we meet again next week.
*5 questions I am asking are:*
1. What do you cherish about this country?
2. Which 3 things would you like to see change (about this country)?
3. How do you envision them changing?
4. What are you prepared to do to help those changes take place?
5. Other – comments.
Blessings. And .. May you experience true Freedom and the extent of honest independence you consciously choose to adopt and embrace in life. And .. May all sentient Beings who desire more of these privileges easily experience them in life.
So Be It! Love, Diane