RoadTrip Chronicle #12

Hi again! It’s Winter & Summer 2022 Solstice time. Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer in the South Hemisphere. The beginnings of winter here and summer where you may be! Exciting times. And traditional times for centuries! All part of the winter holiday season for a significant number of people on the planet. Believed by many to be a
moment of death and rebirth when Nature’s powers and our own souls are renewed.

For me, this whole past month, since before Thanksgiving, and through to the end of January 2023 is a time I have set aside to do a ‘deep dive’. In my life, this is a time I gift myself when I can afford to withdraw in most ways from regular routines and habits and contemplate things quietly and on my own, for the most part.

Winter is a perfect time for this sort of hibernation and introspection, in my experience. It’s cold, often wet and windy and dark much of the time.

Speaking of dark, I read recently and find it interesting that New Zealand has an initiative to become a ‘dark sky nation’. This is one explanation of reasons for this:
“Looking at the sky and connecting to it sits at the heart of humanity. It’s one of the earliest activities every single culture on the planet did, and the night sky is intrinsically connected to who we are as humans, When we start to sever that bond, we change who we are as a people. We’re changing the way we understand our world and the things that are important to us. We need to try and put together better ways of using lights and caring for our night sky.” Rangi Mātāmua, Massey
University professor of Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) and astronomer. 

As told National Geographic. “

Clear night skies here, away as it is from town and city lights, are truly amazing. On the Full Moon of 11 December, I spent some late-night time outside marvelling at the moon with 6 bright, bright stars, planets shining through, while the pervasive light of the moon rendered the rest of the sky’s lights invisible to my eyes.

As I consider the blessings I have had in my 71 years on this planet, I am reminded that they have come to me through other people and relationships or through my experiences and relationship with Nature and this planet ’s myriad creatures and creations. 

To say that I feel gratitude for it all is a signifiant understatement. I see all of it, the challenging, debilitating, confounding, emotionally powerful, heartbreaking, bittersweet moments and events, to have given rise to and /or woven into and through the love, insight, fun, magical moments and connections, relationships, opportunities to grow, travel, learn, experience.
It’s been a rich adventure so far.

Today for the next 4-5 days, I start caretaking another home for friends of my friends (where I have, and will be, living from September to June). After that, I will be ……… until 5 January when my friends (here, where I am livinguntil June) return to Europe (where they are living until June). Their home here in Maine is large enough just for their needs and does not
accommodate guests, so it’s logical that I stay elsewhere while they are home for the holidays.

My next 18 Love Letters are one way I can say ‘Thank You’ .. ‘Bless You’ .. and ‘I Love You’. And, if there is anything for me to ask you for your forgiveness, may I know to do that here too.

Please look for your own love letter from me amongst these initials. If you are receiving these Chronicles, and have read the previous issues and will read those to come, starting with #11, you will eventually see your initials.

I will ask you in February whether you wish to continue receiving the Chronicles, or not. I imagine you will know your truth about that straightaway. And I trust that you will let me know. And, maybe before then, if you have already read what I say, you will reach through and touch in to say ‘Yes, please keep them coming’, or ‘No, thanks. I have read enough.’ Or, whatever else you might wish to say to me then – whether or not you’ll be journeying with me on the rest of my RoadTrip and life adventure. And so,

SIS: What a life you have lived to date, and what an adventure it looks to be from my vantage point. That you are Mom and Grandma too, all within the past 5-7 years, has been fun to witness and help you celebrate. You are one of the more ‘present’ people I know. And, always ready to serve in whatever ways literally make a difference. How grateful I am that, when I ring or show up in any way with a request for your help, your ear, your love, your time, advice, willingness to play or explore with me, ideas, insights, you have them at the ready. No more, no less. I love how much I can rely
on you to be honest with me. No b.s. No pretence. No posturing, competing, or passive-aggressive rivalry dressed up parading as something else. I feel so fortunate to know you and thank your eldest daughter for introducing us. She’s also a smart gal. I love, thank and bless her for all the goodness she brings into this world through her unique self, her work and
her own family. You raised your children to be amazing, highly-intelligent and engaged adults. Thanks for that too. I love ya.

SSR: Where to start with my appreciations of and for you, dear Heart? Surely I must acknowledge your strength of character, your resilience, your diligence and your intelligence. And to thank you for your sharing as you /
we explore what is ahead in our respective and collective journeys of Mastery. For your heart-felt passions for being and bringing through a higher quotient of Divine Feminine energies than we have had on theplanet for a long, long time, I am grateful. For your willingness to look at wounding from your childhood straight in the eyes and heal it with one molecule of understanding after another .. is a big ‘wow’ and ‘well-done’ from me. That you are artist, writer, keen observer, poetess articulate in everything you utter, humourist naturale, full-bodied embodiment, lush and ready to take on those who cannot, do not accept ‘the feminine’ easily is admirable. And you guide anyone who is willing to learn how. And on, and on I could go. I am so happy to be in your sphere of influence, as your influence on me is precious. Thank you. I do love you. May you and all you think, say and do come from a place of and shower back upon you loving blessings all the days of your life.

AF: We met when you were backpacking around the world, or at least to ‘parts’ of the world. We sat in a small room in Thailand acquainting and it was then I realised that I felt close to you in a maternal and / or big sister sort of way. I felt so proud of you (like I had a right to do that, right?!?) for being brave to travel as you were, even though it was neither safe, nor
probably wise, to do it alone as you were. You did it. And you are continuing your amazing journey now married, a Mom, a professional helping people who, I think, are very fortunate to have your ministry available in person. I know you to be true and smart and to care deeply about many things and people. I know you to be authentic and honest. Funny, beautiful and sensitive. And I still feel the sensibilities of what ‘family’ feels like to me whenever I meet, or remember, you and others with
whom I am matrixed in that way, either in this life, and / or in others I recall. Thank you for being a very bright, loving light in my life. Though we seldom talk or see one another at the moment, knowing that you are living in beautiful mountains building a home, raising your family and creating a legacy that you can take pleasure in now and as the years pass, is cause for me to smile and be happy for, and with you. Blessings, in every way. I love you.

JR: Thank you for asking me, specifically, to send these Chronicles to you. We literally had only a few hours to acquaint and I think we did a most extra-ordinary job of getting into what matters in the time we had available for that! Thank you for your willingness, curiosity and courage to reveal and to ask. I marvel at your chosen profession. It’s the stuff that adventure films
are built around .. the sort of things that many people think only goes on ‘in the movies’ no doubt. And for being so perceptive and clever .. I sense that you are very smart. And, if there are wishes I have for you, they are that you allow people in your life to love you fearlessly and that you feel safe to do the same in return. That you will find a time and a compelling reason someday to relax and enjoy something that nurtures and supports you from loved ones and community .. perhaps you are doing that now, I don’t know as we’ve only had those few, very special, deeply meaningful moments to
acquaint. Bless you. And godspeed to you in all that you do, desire to experience, love and cherish.

RG: I wonder how your health is today. Last we spoke you were heading for a prestigious hospital to have it seen to. You were considerate to explain why I hadn’t heard from you in awhile. That, after meeting quite by happenstance and sharing a picnic table and an order of onion rings while each of us consumed take-away lunches we’d separately purchased. You
intended to go home and eat yours. I saw that moment as an opportunity to sit down, relax and have a picnic. We both ended up at the picnic table and as we ate, we chatted. I appreciate how well-versed and knowledgeable you are about history and other interesting things. Your spontaneous deeply-felt expressions of ‘loss’ of life and relationships touched me. Some of your remembrance and your sharing of it animated and temporarily resurrected my impressions of war fought in days my own father was a teenager, running next to his two best friends across a battlefield in France. He witnessed them both killed by exploding landmines resulting in his own wounding and receiving a purple heart for bravery’. For being clearly smart and sensitive, caring and daring to share as you did, thank you. I appreciate you being gracious to me. May your
health improve by the day. And may you have a lovely holiday season with family, friends.

GT: What a fun experience we had being at a multi-day conference and being randomly assigned accommodation in a big house on our own – just the two of us. Weren’t we smart to spend some our time there getting acquainted? I loved that we dedicated our evenings to sharing .. wine and stories, depths and glories. That was several years ago. And, each time I
read your name as I prepare to write and then send these Chronicles, I wish you well. I sincerely hope you went on after that time to accompany people through their dying processes up to and including their deaths. In my experience, not everyone is suited to do that sort of healing and nurturing of others. And I could tell through our sharings that you are. Very capable and certainly wired in ways to hold the space and to have and express the compassion that every dying being deserves, in my opinion. Thank you for the honest fun we created together. And for being a quality human being who cares, who is strong of heart and feels deeply. May life be good to you. Blessings.

SH: What an amazing person you are and what a bright light you are in my own journey. From the moment I met you, I knew I knew you. And, again, as said in another share above, I felt family energies when we first met. We were professionally associated and so I just quietly acknowledged those feelings and got on with co-creating a most extraordinary programme with you that we subsequently offered to your clients in China. All of that was an interesting way to acquaint and to create, to engage in what I like to call ‘high play’ and to really make a positive difference in the lives of the individuals and teams with whom we were working. Thank you SO much for the chance to spend time together and to combine our talents. And for the years since when we have managed to be in touch again. Lots of geographical distance and, for me, not a mili-micro-metre of distance in the heart-sense. I will always love seeing you .. and your amazing family. And I will always wish you the very best life can offer to you and yours. Blessings and all love, in every way.

SMZ: Life, somedays, brings such unexpected joys to each of us, to me. One day not so long ago, you showed up in my life. I cannot say enough how much I loved talking with you, even for just that short time. And how much fun it is for me to think of you, and K and N as a family. Having worked and communicated a few times with K before, I can easily imagine and feel into the alchemy of the two of you as parents and partners. I experience both of you as strong forces of love and intelligence in the world. You seem to be a man with heart, courage and the ability to stand up in the world for what is right so everyone can live well, harmoniously, honestly and with compassion. When I think of you, I envision this, and my, world being a better place because you are in it. Thank you for that. Bless you in all ways possible. Big love to you.

DC: You married and how smart of you both that was, eh? When I met you, you hadn’t acquainted enough with each other yet to know that would be your choices. And here you, we, are years later – firmly on our respective deliberate journeys .. you on yours and me on mine – interacting when and as we can to stay in touch and continue sharing the wonders of how life works. To say what a treasure you are requires me to acknowledge how special you are in what you do in the world .. translating the impulses of beauty and meaning from realms beyond into manifest form. That your BeLoved is an extraordinary manifestor seems perfect pairing, as a couple. It is wonderful, to me, that you combine your time and talents to bring what you create to larger parts of the world’s awareness. You inspire each other and others who know you to stay young and beautiful, healthy and loving .. and this is a gift to those of us who know and love you. May you live a much
longer life than you already have, continuing to create and also supporting your BeLoved to bring forward her own gifts increasingly as well and being my friend/s for years to come. I am blessed by our friendship and wish you
every health, wealth and happiness in life. I love you.

MMN: How we met was such a blessing to me, in the backwoods of Hong Kong!?! Who knew what glories exist there in the countryside, after living in ‘the city’. And there you were .. almost a walkable distance down the mountain. So welcoming and fun to talk with, ready with a cuppa and great advice. Thank you, again, for welcoming me so warmly into your home! And for our occasional landmark meetings where we’d meet to catch up in ‘the city’, marvelling that our paths had so easily crossed. I am grateful that we manage to be in touch, especially now that neither of us are living in HK now. I found that leave-taking really painful as it wasn’t truly a choice. At least not one that made sense at the time. Regardless, may I say, that I honour your acute intelligence, your passionate caring for your students in the past, your fun sense of humour and your steadfastness of being. May we be friends for many years to come. Albeit at various ends of the planet. Matters not. We’re travellers and understand that distance doesn’t mean friendships have to wane. I love ya, dear friend. Bless you and yours.

DS: An unlikely pair to become and stay friends, some would say. And, I am so glad we decided that we like each other and that we’ll stay in touch, how- and when-ever we can. I so admire your mind, your curiosity, your intelligence, your risk-taker self, the articulate writer and thinker, the rebel incognito, the traveler, the reader – Who knew that Stephen King lives in
Maine! Thank you for all you have done through the years we have known, worked together and then stayed in touch because we decided to. For the silver angel you gifted to me and that I carry with me in all of my travels, thank you again! I feel you halfway around the world easily and send you my very fondest gratitudes for you being on Earth and in my life as a friend. Blessings. Always.

LJH: The day after I got my license to drive without adult supervision (at16), I came to visit you and your family. As I backed out of your driveway, I sideswiped a parked car belonging to your neighbour. That was traumatic and disappointing, and thankfully, I felt supported while also feeling really badly about what I had done. Supported by you. By your Mom. And that’s
how it was for years and years as we grew from being little ones to where we are now, in our early 70’s. How on Earth has that much time passed so quickly!?! I experience you as one of the brightest lights of love in my life and on Earth. For this and for your loving heart, I thank you, from the depths of my own heart. For the energy you have always brought to every
moment I have been blessed to see you – in our growing up years until our most recent time to play in person for a few hours as I passed through your beautiful state. (I, of course, could name it, and learned from editors who took a red pen to my autobiography that libel in the USA is something to avoid at all costs. Even though you wouldn’t sue me for saying where that might have been, I am mindful to protect and connect in the best ways I know how in this day and age of too-much-exposure. Sad commentary, eh?) Anyway, let it be said that I love you dearly, treasure the unique gift you are in this world and am deeply, deeply grateful that we have reconnected and text from time to time. May every blessing continue to grace your life and the lives of your BeLoveds. In every way. Every day.

JW: Oh Godness I love your humour and your wit. We talked on the 11th of this month and you’d’ve thought it was a proper holiday in my world. I feel so gifted by time spent with you. What an unique Soul you are. A fine healer. A smart cookie with all kinds of things. A support to so many over your lifetime. A bollywood expert – not many gweipouhs can boast
that!?! A fine soup maker. And and and. Most of all, a treasured friend of many years. You helped me enormously when I really needed good advice during my SARS experience. Thank you, in all ways. Always. I’ll never forget the no-expression expressions on your and the other healer’s faces when you saw the real-time, live-blood test screening. I was so exhausted
in that moment, I honestly couldn’t care enough to even ask. And, as you do, you got on with your part of helping me, lovingly and intelligently. May that Irish Blessing come true for you .. you know the one about the roads rise up to meet you and and and, the leprechauns come to work magic on and with you .. and and and. Here’s to winning the lotto and having good fun playing that way too. I love you dearly. Truly, every blessing be yours.

RF: I have loved you from the moment we first met. I sensed in you a tensile strength of some impressive proportions that you were newly ready to discover, own and learn to cultivate for co-creating your life to be the miracle you deserve. I trust you have gone from that strength to strength beyond that since then. And I could not be happier in thinking of that
possibility and of you taking life by the horns and making it be what you desire. I hope someday that we will get to know each other as friends and that we will have times to laugh and play together somewhere, for some purposeful reasons that make sense to us and others. It seems to me that there is no limit to where you might take the light within you .. I wish you
every joy, happiness, health and love in life, dear Heart. Blessings.

JD: How is it, do you suppose, that we meet certain people along in living our lives that just feel like ‘home’ .. not Earth ‘home’, rather ‘out there home’. You know, ‘galactic home’ may be a way to describe ‘out there’. Well, as we have acknowledged, that’s you for me. And how fun that is for me. As I contemplate how very little actual time we have spent knowing each other here and now, I am amazed at that. And, it seems not to matter when souls recognise like-hearted, like-minded other souls. And for this, for you, for all that is to come in the play and days ahead of us as friends, I am grateful,
thank you and bless you, sincerely. Thank you for the gifts of your friendship. With love.

LL: Oh my. We have been friends for a long time. First colleagues doing really good work for your teams. I soooo enjoyed collaborating on the many interesting things we did in those days. That we have stayed in touch, and make a point of staying in touch, is special. I am touched by your choice to shelter rescue animals. It takes a special heart to do that and I
know your special heart from many different angles. Thank you for being a friend with whom I can discuss a range of things. For your willingness to consider wider spectra of topics than many people can, or do, care to discuss. For being very smart and for your distinctive laugh. I love your laugh. And when we talk, you do laugh. I treasure that dynamic in our friendship. So few people laugh, it seems, that it’s notable when we and others do, oui? I love you and thank you for our years of connection. Here’s to many more. Blessing be yours.

TJ: I know few people who are as diligent about self-discovery as you are, dear Heart. And even fewer who bravely swap out old narratives of lives lived previously for new narratives to live differently, better and in more elevated energies and consciousness. And you, dearest One, are in ‘the few’ whom I know are doing both. I am so impressed and excited about
your deepening and developing that I have glimpses into from time to time. You seem to be unleashing the most beautiful energies within you. As a person in your life, I feel like a beneficiary of those energies when we interact. I love that you are finding comfort in many ways, especially as winter is here and comfort is such an important thing when temperatures
plunge and snow deepens. May all the good you do in life and all the support you have given to others return to you in greater measure with each passing day. I love you and wish you every blessing as the new year approaches and new things develop for and through you. I see the Wise Woman in you now. And she is beautiful to behold.

MKW: For me, you are a standard of what a true friend is, does and feels like to a friend lucky enough to be in that relationship with you. You set the bar decades ago for me for what ‘friend’ is. I know you to be ‘salt of the Earth’, honest, trustworthy, smart (really smart), caring, practical, funny, articulate, slow to anger and able to say what you mean (and much more). Your dedication to family is exemplary, to me. Your emergence into more and more and more of who you are as you explore, grow and expand is such a beautiful thing to witness when I can / do. To say I miss spending time with you is an understatement and though I am satisfied with periodic interactions, as we get older, the passing of time underscores lessening possibilities of more of that to happen more often .. and that is poignant for me. I wish you every blessing possible. Thank you for the years we have had so far, and for the times ahead. I love you dearly.
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For Everyone,
As we move further into the holiday season and through the various celebrations and observations at this time of year, I wish you more, and even more, love. More harmony between you and others, and in the world. More internal serenity, and times of being able to fully rest and relax. I love you dearly and ask that we, each and All, renew and refresh, readying ourselves to engage in and for the times ahead. May we find and use effective, sustainable ways to work together for the good of everyone and all Life.

Love, Diane 🌹