RoadTrip Chronicle #13

12 February 2023, Day 248
Hi! Hello! Good afternoon! Morning! Evening! Wherever you are, whenever ‘now’ is .. I am thinking of

Happy St Valentine’s Day in 2 days! May you KNOW you are loved and loveable.
It’s amazing to me that it is mid-February already! I, and many of my friends, have been very busy since
easing of Covid restrictions on movement, attendance and admittance to previously-off-limits venues and

As forecast in RTC #12 in December, I did take a ‘deep dive’ through the month of January. Am choosing to be in moments of it still, from time to time, especially when my attentions and energies are drawn to chaos
in the world. It’s a poignant moment to be paying attention to chaos in the world as we learn of 33,000+ deaths and huge numbers of injured people in Turkey and Syria following a recent 7.8 earthquake. Bless each of those souls and all who remain in and endure harsh winter weather. Bless also everyone worldwide who is assisting to ease the immense suffering.
Many predict (astrologers, philosophers, historians, scientists, others) that this year will have many earth-shaking events with weather and natural cataclysms, politics, economies, environments, and and and. For me, being aware of, without
becoming consumed by, ‘the news’ requires conscious, multi-levels listening and mindful discerning. This is what my ‘deep dive’ helps me do well and very consciously. 
This is how it works .. In January, I hardly spoke with others, preferring to quiet my mind and heart and
to focus on deeply listening to nature and to my own thoughts, body and natural rhythms.

I dip in and out reading things, spending time with ‘no thought’, stilling the ‘monkey mind’ and being very aware of being in ‘a body’ and responding to its cycles and needs – for food, sleep, relaxation, exercise, hydration .. After several weeks of this practice, one morning I awoke and the only sound (literally) I could hear was my own heartbeat .. I had no thoughts yet . And .. something special had happened overnight to create a most precious moment of supreme quiet. Snowfall of 14” had arrived overnight. Everything was coated and insulated in white. In the instant I awoke, no ‘house sounds’ (clock ticking,
furnace clicking, water heater whirring) were audible to me. Only my heartbeat.

For me, experiencing that degree of quiet is a true blessing. And rare. Even sleeping ‘in Nature’, there is always ‘sound’ .. rarely is it silent even in the depth of night .. things move about, wind rustles treetops, limbs fall to forest floors, water
trickles or rushes in streams, in rivers ..

Another aspect of my own deep dive is that I indulge in what I call ‘Rabbit Hole Research’ .. I call it RHR, for short. Recently, I was in a brief RHR moment when I happened on a ‘factoid’* (something I consider to be close enough to a ‘truth’ that I am comfortable passing it along as a likely possibility). This factoid* is that the ‘average person’ (no definition of ‘average person’ offered by the source of *) has between 6,200-8,000 thoughts per day. No wonder real ‘quiet’ is rare!
Someone is always ‘talking’! 
I also started to learn much more from experience and from RHR about snow, this inspiration came with the arrival of 14” of it. It fell. And fell. And fell. The temperatures were very cold with lots of wind. Then a sleet-type rain fell on top of the 14” of snow, along with freezing temperatures. Next came slightly warmer temperatures, just above freezing and all thoughts of removing the snow-ice from the deck surrounding much of the house were supplanted by the rooftop snow (also 14” of it) melting enough to slide off of the roof on to the snow on the deck.

Then more freezing, and in fact well BELOW freezing temperatures. Suffice it to say, it has taken a couple of weeks of consistent work to fully remove the snow and ice build ups on the deck. Two days ago, armed with a sledgehammer and
shovel, the caretaker and her brother came to remove the 3 big blocks of entrenched snow and ice that I hadn’t been able to break up and move by myself. Thank goodness. 🙏

The wear and water weathering of the deck wood and stain is obvious and will likely require re-sanding and staining various areas of it in summer. No small job. In a winter like this, with the series of elements at play in the ways and for the days they were playing, this wear is inevitable.

I mentioned BELOW-freezing temperatures. Many parts of North America and elsewhere in the world have had unusually cold winter days and nights this year. Here, temperatures dipped to – 42F (- 41.11C) . The wind was blowing at the time, so it felt even colder, as weather forecasters warned of frostbite and hypothermia risks.

The moon looked very different one night during the 3 days of very, very cold weather. It appeared as if it were behind 10 layers of see-through organza material .. distorted in a very glamorous way. I stepped outside to ‘feel’ – 42F degrees and had a totally new experience by doing so. The sensations on my skin, eyes, lungs were brand new kinesthetics for
me. Exhilarating. 
Knowing I had a warm room behind me to return to made it possible to let go and fully embrace the new and unusual sensations. In my 20’s, I experienced hypothermia while on a 3-day wilderness cross-country skiing / winter camping trip with 3 friends. That experience left me understanding some of how hypothermia works, and feels. It is something to
avoid if at all possible.

Hypothermia and frostbite warnings for Maine were issued with good reason. Even short exposure to this degree of cold and wind at those speeds can literally be lethal. Stepping out from shelter, feeling, breathing, realising ‘This is a new experience!’ and then stepping back into warmth and protection from those same elements, was magical for me.

This is the first of three brand new things I am aware I have learned so far during my deep dive.

Restating the first brand new thing: I experienced and formed cellular memory in my body for how – 42F degree temperature with wind-chill feels.

Second brand new learning? I let go of all conscious expectations I have, of others, of myself, of life, and learned something new and very important as a result. (More on this in RTC#14.)

And the third brand new thing I learned? I, for the first time I am aware of, encountered something that I literally could not imagine. An inconceivable thing. I couldn’t even think of it as a possibility without using my creative abilities to pretend I could conceive of it. So I learned what ‘inconceivable’ means. 

At my age of 71, to have brand new experiences and to learn newly is particularly sweet. There is a perspective on this I heard a young, very old soul, speak of recently. He said something to the effect that everything we do and experience after the age of 7 or so is a repeat of everything we learned from birth to 7 (or so). We learned to read by that age. Whatever we do that entails reading after that is a repeated behaviour and can consequently neither be a ‘new’ nor a newly-learned
Writing is another example he offered. Even if what we were writing at age 7 was ‘I love my Mother and Father’, and at 77 we are writing novels, we are still repeating something we learned long ago. Interesting possibility. Making love might be an exception to this perspective. And, if I think this through, I wonder if I (or you) might be able to draw a corollary to something I/we learned when an infant, toddler or young child which would make this a ‘repeat’ of something learned by the age of 7.
Tasting a fruit or vegetable in my adult years which I’d never seen or even heard of before and having that sensory feeling of something brand new happening. 

Hmmm. Going from breast milk or baby formula to solid foods may well have pathed the way for ‘tasting new foods’ to be a ‘repeat experience’ .. same, same and slightly different yet still a ‘repeat’. Smoking a cigarette, doing drugs, seeing our galaxy through the telescope, focusing on a smear of microbes under a microscope, catching a fish .. all
possibly repeats of pre-7 year old learnings.

‘So what?’, you might ask.

And fairly so. I think it’s wonderful and amazing to actually have had 3 brand new learnings in less than a month. Or, at least, it feels that they are ‘brand new’ and that they are ‘learnings’. I’m good to let this possibility rest and celebrate that I
really have had some extraordinary moments in my recent deep dive.

Other wondrous delving include researching the ‘truth’ of whether native Canadian, Siberian and other peoples in Scandinavia, Russia and Alaska really do have more than 50 words for ‘snow’. Long stories, and many opinions later, it
appears that the Eskimo-Aleut languages do have a richer vocabulary for ‘snow’ than many other languages do.
Makes sense to me. And, as I deepen my own relationship, awareness and experience of snow that is, generally, far wetter and more inclined to turn into and out from being ‘ice’, and to be both ‘snow’ and ‘ice’ at the same time on
occasion, my own appreciation and vocabulary for ‘snow’ has increased.

Here’s a taste of what I read and found interesting about the words of people who live with snow and ice year round:
aput = snow on ground; 
qana = falling of snow; 
piqsirpoq = drifting snow; 
qimugsuq = a snow drift; 
matsaaruti = wet snow used to ice a sleigh’srunner; 
pukak = crystalline powder snow that looks like salt.
The vocabulary for sea ice is even richer and more extensive, up 180 words! I have created, in English, words to describe my own experiences with snow:
‘7-11blue’ = snow with ‘consistency of a snow cone’; 
‘slab snow’ = layer of snow that stays together after being dug, can be quite thick (I think this, or something
similar, are snow ‘cubes’ cut for making igloos. And that this term must exist already.)
There’s another snow I have been shovelling a lot. It’s fairly fresh and has started to warm, just before melting. It’s has the look of a very large grain cornmeal, white in colour.

Care to think of a fun name for it? Please email or call me to tell me your ideas.

With this I close this part of my share .. on 9 February, as I stepped out to remove some of the melting snow and ice on the deck, I sensed the very first, very subtle, gentle ‘low note’ of Spring in the air. I believe it was the hint of warmth returning
that presented in this way.

It ‘tasted’ and ‘felt’ to me like a first ingredient in a very complex ‘wine’. This is a first for me to think of the changing of a season in this way. I am listening and open to receive other sensations for this Spring Wine creating itself as I witness
and imagine it into my fantasy.

With Valentine’s Day here, now .. I am recalling what we did in primary school to observe this. We used art supplies – coloured papers, bits of sparkly or lacy materials, glue, pipe cleaners, stickers. And we would spend time making individual Valentines to then distribute to our friends and schoolmates.

This RTChronicle is my ‘Will you be my ❤ Valentine?’ card to each of you All, dear Hearts .. I continue now, and below this, with my Love Letters to 18 BeLoveds receiving these Chronicles. Please look for your initials. And trust that I mean what I say.

LS: How long we have know each other, Darloonk!?! That you and your child asked me to join your family in an ‘honorary’ role gives rise to such feelings of joy in my heart. That you go from strength to strength, creative endeavour to the next, life experience upon life experience with intensity, intelligence and good humour always are cause for smiles within for me. I learn from you. I love the support we offer each other and our mutual friends as well. We have such a tapestry weaving in this, from this and other, lifetime/s and it’s a beauty. Here’s to many many more years in this incarnation and many incarnations together to come. Thank you for the goodness and Light so far! Love you.

MCT: There are people who come into my life and gift me beautiful opportunities to grow and to evolve. You are one of these precious souls for me. We met long ago, before you married, had your beautiful children and began living in a several special places – no longer as an intrepid world traveler on your own, rather as parent, spouse, partner and adult with family in tow. I so value that you seek self-awareness and knowledge and you share your best with those you love. You are generous, intelligent, unusually beautiful and accomplished. What a treasure of a Being you are in my life. Thank you. So much love and appreciation for you.

SKO: When neither of us expected it, we met through a mutual friend. The introduction was purposeful and didn’t result in the original intention manifesting. What did result was a fine tea time with fun, shared senses of
humour and a desire to continue acquainting. It’s not so easy at this distance and yet, I feel you – in the world, sharing your unique perspectives with many people as you offer them consulting and advisory on one of the more important things
they will undertake in their lives – finding a home they love. If our paths continue to intersect and one day we have a chance to get to know each other beyond what we know now, I will be very happy to do that. And if we don’t and only manage to stay in touch casually, I will be content with that. Should we lose touch because that’s what happens when people meet and then don’t meet again, I’ll remember you fondly and with affection, and wish you every blessing and advantage, happiness, health and prosperity possible. What a lovely human being I feel you to be.

VO: Thank goodness, MC (our mutual dear Friend) suggested you contact mefor a Grand Council session. And thank you and thank me for deciding to turn that 1.5 hour meeting into a friendship! Aren’t we smart?!? I am loving the process of getting to know each other. The love and support we offer within our friendship is akin to what much longer-developed friendships usually evolve into. Several of the women I know and consider dear Friends feel, to me, like ‘sisters
from a different mother’, and that’s the case for us, in my own feelings. I am deeply grateful for you. For your deep and considerable intelligence. For your good heart. Your loving spirit, And I thank you for holding your hand out to take
mine as we continue to acquaint and play across the miles. One of these days we will meet in person, I just know it. Bless you.
PS: Dear PS. My dear cousin .. I am so, so glad we are both still alive to revive our childhood friendship, forged a very long time ago. Thank you for the fun then, and for the recent fun as we began to reacquaint and explore who each of us is now, lo’ many decades later. I wish you every happiness and inner serenity. Thank you for your clever humour and quick mind. And for your obvious heart opening over the years. It’s such a pleasure for me to think we will know each
other even better over the years ahead than we did for the first parts of each of our lives. Bless you, Cuz. Love you.

PS: Dear PS. A re-connecting it feels for us as well, after lifetimes of traveling and intersecting as family-of-choice. Your wonderful warmth of heart and mind, focused on always being your most masterful whilst being marvellously human at
the same time. Because of your ability to see and say what you see, so eloquently, it’s a pleasure to listen to you speak, always. I remember watching a video interview someone did with Meryl Streep. The host asked her to read a cookbook as if it were a sexy novel. And she did. And it was riveting. I feel like you possess this ability to read life and speak it in ways that cause those of us listening to have an experience that enlivens and quickens us to possibilities we might not have known were in front of us. What gifts you bring to me, to others, to our Mastery work, to the world. Bless you, all ways.

SD: There are souls who touch me so deeply, I have a ‘place within me’ where they reside. Even if I have only met them. And maybe never since, again, seen them. They have a reserved place in my heart. Well, you are one of these very
special souls for me. I know you live your life on the edge of something all the time – unique insights, significantly-challenging life circumstances, unfathomablydeeply- felt emotions, harrowing encounters, extreme events. This is not how I
live and that allows me to steadily keep walking in parallel alongside you as you live that way. Too, I know you to emerge, every time .. stronger, clearer, deeper, more beautiful, renewed, enlightened, honed and ready for whatever is next. I
admire you. I love you. I feel you. I am honoured to know you as I do and look forward to knowing you even more in the years to come. There is good play ahead.

RJ: I/we say how we feel when we speak with each other. And I am so, so blessed that we have found a way to speak with each other regularly. Aren’t we smart to do that? To say you bring love and humour, ease and fun into my life is an understatement. Thank you for loving me so unconditionally. And for letting me love you so unabashedly. My dear Friend, bless you in every way possible. 

PC: What an absolute privilege it is to know, love and be known, loved by, you. We have spoken of the generally easeful way we relate. and how, when we check in with each other, we might just have fun and/or we might solve a world problem, or a personal conundrum. And/or, we might do all of the above. Always with deepest respect and caring for each other. The deep listening both ways is a gift I receive and offer and you receive and offer in equal measure. I love that you ask me questions rather than making very many assumptions. That way, things stay fresh and we minimise and, increasingly, avoid getting caught up in projections many close friends do without realising. You have my deep respect and love, always. Thank you for the gifts you are in my life. For your love and support, your friendship. Your intelligence and Being. Blessings.

SR: Such a long time we have been friends. Myriad experiences shared for many years overseas and now. I have deep respect for the ways in which you navigate through worlds of art, family, networks of friends, clients and associates worldwide, and and and .. You sense of aesthetics is very impressive to me and to others, I/we know. Your profound feelings of what makes sense spiritually to you touch me every time we interact in these ways. I treasure angels being a part of
times we shared years ago in active friendship with an Earth Angel who continues her own ministry thousands of kilometres away. May life be good to you. May you continue to touch the lives of many. May happiness grow within and around
you every day. Thank you. Bless you.

TS: This soy candle continues to offer up a most extraordinary scent. Each time I walk past it, I am reminded of what a unique thing it is that we are friends, headed toward being Friends for a long time to come. That is, if we stay in touch.
And it’s possible that we will. A drive to excel in all that you be and do is so evident to me when we interact. I only know a few of the myriad talents you embody and they impress me .. your music, art, writing, helping others, and and and. And your intention to be the best You possible is something I see, feel, hear and honour. Can any of us do more? Thank you for meeting me in ways that allow our F/friendship to develop .. bit by bit, in time. With time. It feels organic. And relatively easy. So why not? I love your humour too. May you come to be, do and have that which you desire most .. in sweet ease (a term my good Friend, KB, offered to me years and years ago in his own great wisdom of knowing; and a term I have come to love and practice). Here’s to you. With love. 

TMcN: You know, one of the most endearing things about people in Maine is that they genuinely are, generally speaking, very warmly welcoming to strangers. I have never been, or lived, ANYwhere where people make an effort to be welcoming. It’s an extraordinary experience. And this is what you did for me when we both lived on the West Coast. I was newly-landed and you, well-andlong- lived there. We met through a dear mutual friend and you made it easy for us to begin acquainting. Thank you. Thank you and thank you, again. Tea times. Walks on campus. Visits to the seamstress. Talks wherein we didn’t have to agree. Sharing at various levels and finding mutualities almost every time. A careful listening on each/both our parts. Laughter. Surprises from time to time. Stories each of us, after decades of living, could authentically tell from personal
experience to the other, an appreciative audience of 1. Thank you. Love you, truly. Blessings dear Soul.

JMcL: I have spoken of people I know I know from other times, epochs, lifetimes. And you and I have spoken of this too. It’s been much too long since we’re talked in any way for any length of time. And, as I think of you, deep feelings of warm love flood my chest cavity, feeling as one feels for a beloved family member. There is no sadness of longing to see you. No need to connect or to ‘finish unfinished anything’. Rather, a pleasure at having reconnected and an eager openness to see you, talk with you, again one day, should it happen. I will contact you from time to time until you tell me not to. I would prefer you not do that, and if you do, I will abide. Should our paths continue along similar by-ways in life, may they intersect with time to play, catch up, encourage, support and celebrate us both. I wish you well in every way possible. I think you are an amazing person who is remarkably brave and talented. And I love you dearly. Blessings.

MN: Every now and again, a Being who is notably unique ‘arrives’ at my proverbial doorstep which, (considering I’ve not had my own home for 1.5 decades) is an impressive accomplishment in and of itself. You, Madam, are she. What a mind and ways of thinking and being you employ in this lifetime. Welcoming Souls in and out of life on Earth is sacred work and you are perfect as the Cosmic Usher! And that’s just for starters! Many more powerful Archetypes later, with a fun sense of humour, intrepid traveller and journeyer, and and and. I feel so blessed to have met you through our mutual friends and I look forward to many years and experiences ahead wherein we spend time playing and deepening our knowing of each other as multi-faceted diamonds. For all you are. For all you do. For all you bring to this world. Thank you. Bless you. Love you.

MM: Soon to be Dr! Congratulations slightly in advance. And wow. How impressive. Is it possible that we have forged such a close association and friendship with each other virtually, so far? A long-awaited meeting in person is inevitable if we both live long enough, so I think we should, (meet and live long enough that is ..) eh? For the meaningful conversations we have, the brave deep dives we do together, the encouragement and support for each and both of us, one to the other, to keep on keepin’ on; the offers to assist in ways that only family usually will; all this and more bring us naturally into being special F/friends with genuine appreciation for each other. Thank you. Love you.

KS: Wow. Little did either of us know that you and I would have so much fun sharing metaphysical bits and bobs of various sorts. Or that we would feel such kinship after a total of 3 hours spent together virtually over 2 years. Or that I would meet and feel such appreciation for your husband after 1.5 hours of virtual contact. How do you suppose that works? Does it matter? Not to me! What matters is that we can feel something working in the field of unconditional love that we all play in, live in and for, work with and treasure. And that gives rise to a profound sense of Oneness and connection. And for this, for your willingness to be in this and to be this and to be this way with me, which is SUCH a gift, I am grateful. I am deeply touched and blessed. And I thank you and you both. I love how far and wide your own field of Being is, dear One. And to travel around in that with you from time to time is good fun. For your shares. For our willingness to stay in touch, to acquaint as time, energy and opportunity intersect, yeah! Here’s to more in times now and ahead. May every blessing be yours and your BeLoveds’.

SW: I can feel you strongly from time to time. There is an intensity of ‘being’ within you that, to me, is as strong a sense as fresh strawberries warm in the sun are ‘a scent’; or the ‘scratchiness’ of a pure wool sweater on one’s neck is a body ‘sensation’; or ‘chocolate’ is a unique ‘taste’. This I experience as an invitation to know you well, even though I know I don’t really know you. I feel I do. And that’s an invitation to stay in touch that I have now, and here, written to us so that we
can, one day, call each other ‘friend’ or ‘Friend’, as a choice, rather than as an organic given as it is today, for me. I wish you so well in every way. And look forward to times, should they be there, for us to get to know each other so F/
friendship becomes a real ‘given’. Blessings.

RCoGW: Dearest Sn❤ , I love you. And admire you. And know you so much more now after spending the times we did during early days of my RoadTrip. I wrote about you in one of the RTC; and can’t think of anything more to say except
that I am so blessed that you are in my life in the ways you are. I treasure that we can talk about absolutely anything and do not have to agree. That we can agree without having to be like each other. That we know and love several people in
common. That you are an amazing wife, mother, friend, healer, lover of dogs, people, God, and and and (not in that order necessarily, that’s for you to say ..)

That you will, and do, help absolutely anyone you can, with love and without judgement. Bless you in every way. Thank you for your love. I love you. And, for All who are reading this still, may I wish you a wonderful time of things and in
your life as Winter moves to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer to Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

In all the ways you move through life, please consider being more honest, more gentle, listening more and in deeper ways, and asking others questions rather than telling them what to think or how to feel or what to do because that’s what you do, think, feel is ‘right’.

Please be genuinely curious about who others are, how they feel, what they think. Perhaps then, when we are ‘finding out’ we actually will begin to think differently about ‘them’ and about ‘ourselves’ and then, maybe we will naturally identify new ways to feel, think and do things on this planet, leading to changes that make sense. An invitation.

With love, and such appreciation for each and everyone. 
Diane 🌹